What is a heat pump? Can it even work in Leadville? How do I know if it’s the right choice for me? And how can I get the $12,000 in rebates and incentives that are available right now?!?!
With support from the Lake County Community Fund, Cloud City Conservation Center (C4) helped provide emergency heating assistance to Lake County residents ahead of a cold snap that gave Leadville some of its coldest temperatures this season.
What is the Tool Library? How can I start using it? What does it have to do with sustainability? The Lake County Public Library offers an abundance of innovative programs and special resources for Lake County community members to take advantage of at no cost. Learn more about these programs and how you can start benefitting today!
For six weeks this winter, C4’s education team, led by Ash Warner and Jo Graham, partnered with Doug Smith, LCIS’ STEM teacher, to lead 6th graders in a greenhouse design project. The project presented students with a real-world design challenge: help Cloud City farm design a new educational greenhouse with both growing space and room for 25 students to learn.
Is it worth it to recycle? What happens to all of my recycling anyways? Who takes it, and where does it go?? How can I make sure I’m making a difference and that it’s going to the right place?
The Leadville Herald recently reported on C4’s Zero Waste program and partnership with the Leadville Race Series. Read more about our results, including collecting 15,300 pounds of waste from the Leadville Race Series alone, including diverting 75% of that waste away from the Lake County Landfill and into compost & recycling.

Heat Pump Incentives Are Heating Up!
What is a heat pump? Can it even work in Leadville? How do I know if it’s the right choice for me? And how can I get the $12,000 in rebates and incentives that are available right now?!?!