Your home’s energy efficiency is a crucial component to your overall energy costs and comfort; improving it will lead to a lower bill and less energy consumption. The CARE Program provides free energy efficiency and weatherization upgrades to help.

Services can include:

  • Free energy assessments

  • Energy conservation education

  • Upgrades can include

    • LED bulb upgrades

    • Energy star refrigerator upgrade

    • Air sealing

    • Insulation

    • HVAC maintenance or upgrades


  • Households earn up to 80% AMI for Lake County

  • Home is serviced by Xcel Energy

HOW TO get help

  1. Email with “CARE Program application request” in the subject.

  2. You will receive a digital copy of the application with detailed instructions. We can connect you with a paper copy if needed.

  3. Complete and return the application with all required documents to

**The approval process for new applicants could take up to 30 days and longer for incomplete applications. Be sure to read the provided instructions carefully.

English and Spanish applications are available. Las aplicaciones en inglés y español están disponibles.