Learn more about the Colorado Youth Climate Summit at their website
Apply by March 1st - Space is limited!
What is the Colorado Youth Climate Summit (CYCS)?
The Colorado Youth Climate Summit (CYCS) is an educational initiative co-designed and co-led by youth leaders to empower young people to address the impacts of climate change. By engaging with sustainability experts,
policymakers, and their peers, participants enhance their skills and resilience.
The Youth Climate Summit is expected
to draw 50-100 youth from across the state. The program fosters critical thinking and leadership through problem-
based learning, enabling teens to develop their own climate action plans. CYCS provides access to cutting-edge
research and innovation science, connects with industry professionals, and showcases green career opportunities,
preparing youth to become climate advocates and leaders.
Climate Action Planning
All youth participants will engage in a climate action planning (CAP) process during the Summit. Along with the Youth Climate Summit Network and Colorado based organization Earth Force, participants will be guided through the environmental action civics process of identifying
community needs, opportunities for realistic impacts, and project management practices to carry their project through in their home communities. The CAP process will serve to ignite the youths’ capacity to complete the ‘experiential learning project’ requirement for the Seal of Climate Literacy.
Requirements to earn the Colorado Seal of Climate Literacy:
Meet minimum graduation requirements
Two Courses any high school science course such as earth science,
biology, or environmental studies and a second course that includes
climate literacy standards. This course could be humanities,
concurrent enrollment, CTE, or another science class.Experiential learning project: Students must also complete a project
that demonstrates their understanding of climate change.
Summit Logistics
We combine informative plenary sessions and workshops in a fun
atmosphere for a powerful 2-day educational experience. At the
Summit, students will develop a climate action plan that they can
use to implement climate solutions in their own community. Young
people will leave ready to accelerate change in their lives, schools
and communities and work toward earning the Seal of Climate
10th-12th grade high school youth across rural Colorado are
invited to apply to participate in the full 2 day free event.
1 adult chaperone is required to attend for every 6 youth participants
All meals, snacks, lodging, and mileage will
provided free for youth participants.
Plant-based foods will be provided
Friday lunch, dinner, Saturday breakfast and lunch will be
provided for all participants. Youth Entity’s Culinary Arts students
will be catering lunches, breakfasts, and snacks. Friday night’s
dinner will be a pizza party at the Carbondale Community Bread
Oven hosted by community volunteers. The oven is located in the
backyard of the Summit venue.
Sleeping arrangements for all youth and chaperones at The
Orchard church
Youth and adult chaperones will be sleeping on the floor 3 blocks
from the Summit at The Orchard. Everyone needs to bring
bedding/cots/foam pads/etc. to sleep on the floor. Showers will not
be available.
Orchard staff and volunteers along with Summit adult chaperones
will be on-site throughout the night for safety and supervision.